This jaw dropping piece of technology looks like something I would want to own and the iPhone really pales in comparison. Granted this is a prototype and it will take a while to hit the market but this is just very impressive.
So, according to Nokia, it will take between 6 to 7 years before we see the likes of this beast of a phone but just looking at the way these guys are going I am definitely going to second the notion (or in this case probably hunderedth) that nanotechnology is the it Education, Business etc. This phone alone is a stellar example of the potential that nano-technology has.
The pictures here are courtesy of Nokia press release. I hope you enjoy them because they are incredible. But once you get over that WATCH THE VIDEO because only then do you understand the POTENTIAL that this phone and technology has. It is incredible to say the least.
LADIES: Make sure you watch the video right till the end, i think you just might fallin love with the last minute!
Do leave comments to let me know what you think about the phone. :)
I would also love to know what you think about nanotechnology in general. Where do you see this technology taking us in the months and years to come?

That video was pretty cool. Though I have to say I'm a little skeptical about how much Nokia can do in such a little device, at least in the next 10 years anyway. Maybe in 20 years, but not just yet. Even if they come out with something like that, the first few iterations of nano products are probably going to be really fragile or temperamental.
I applaud you in the find though. Moore's Law states that computing power doubles every other year. (Right?) So I wouldn't be surprised to see some new products do one or a number of the things that the Morph claims to be able to do. In any case, it will blow the iPhone away.
Im not 100 percent sure but i think they might actually have a prototype of it out.
Though it will be along time before they make it commercially viable :)
Ps - welcome to my blog!
flipzulu actually I think you're wrong there...
Moore's Law states that technology is exponential in growth, meaning that is might double this year but it might quadruple the year after... I believe...
I spent my sophomore through senior year of high school working and studying at the Nano-technology center at the University of Albany... a world-renown center, and it doesn't surprise me in the least that this is what is happening. Right now a lot of the research is on discovering the properties of these nano-scale materials so that they can apply them to make products like the "morph" I would really give this maybe 5 or 6 years before we see something similar to this on the market, though naturally it will be for the higher-end buyer.
Something as detailed as this is going to be expensive...
And also, by the time this comes out, do you really think Apple will still only have the iPhone?!?! pah!
Well, okay "minto!", I guess I wasn't clear in my definition of Moore's Law. Since I'm supposed to be trying to turn a new leaf, I won't bitch about it. My point was really that something like this probably will be out soon, but something that can do all the things it claims to do, it'll be longer, especially to have it refined and cheap. Though, the world being as it is... I'll give it to you, you're probably right and I'm probably wrong.... if so, oh well.
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