"Millions of parents, teachers and children around the world are calling on their governments to provide free, good quality, basic education for all the world's children. They are part of the Global Campaign for Education; we add our voice to their call."
- Nelson Mandela and Graca Machel, April 2002.

The Global Campaign for Education promotes education as a basic human right, and mobilizes public pressure on governments and the international community to fulfill their promises to provide free, compulsory public basic education for all people; in particular for children, women and all disadvantaged, deprived sections of society.
Principles -
The campaign is driven by the conviction that quality education for all is achievable, and by the concern for the immense costs of failure.
The GCE believes that in an increasingly knowledge-based economy, exclusion from education will translate into growing poverty, inequality and deprivation.
The Global Campaign for Education commits itself to achieve its mission with objectivity, transparency and accountability and to follow democratic norms and processes in all its plans and actions.
Membership -
The Global Campaign for Education, founded in 1999, brings together Civil Society organizations, NGOs, teacher unions and child rights activists. Application to GCE's membership is open to civil society organizations and networks that subscribe to the GCE's principles and demands and agree to uphold their constitution.
Go to the GLOBAL CAMPAIGN FOR EDUCATION for more information
*All text owned and copyrighted by its respective owners.
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